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  • Writer's pictureCraig Lamacraft

Welcome to The Ranch!

Updated: Aug 2, 2023

Hello, thanks for checking out our blog, The Ranch! Welcome!

I'm Craig. My wife and I purchased a 5-acre property in Colorado in 2021, and wow what a journey it is! It's so much fun owning our little ranch and housing the 3 horses here. My wife is the horse expert - but there's plenty to do around the property every day. Whether it's renovations on the house or barn, maintaining the property, looking after the name it, there's something to do!

I'd love to share our journey with you in what we're calling 'the great experiment'. Everything is a learning opportunity and I'd love to share the projects we've worked on, what went well, what didn't go so well and the kinds of products we purchased to complete our projects and that make life a little easier!

When we purchased the property, it needed a lot of work….I mean a lot! House, barn, land, fencing, yard. We also did some things above and beyond the basic renovations to make it nice, like planting an orchard and installing an arena.

Join us on our journey as we learn about the new lifestyle we’ve been lucky enough to create. Whether you own horses, own property, would like to own horses/property one day, or just interested in different lifestyles and living, I’ll provide regular content and features and hope you enjoy sharing with me as much as I enjoy sharing with you.

If anyone has any ideas to share with me send me a message. I’d love to see what others are doing too!

I’m an affiliate marketer for Amazon and all of the products I recommend are because I’ve used them, loved them and wanted to share that with you: The Shop

Chat with you soon!


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